Nyrobi Andrea, Secretary

Nyrobi Andrea is a wife,mother,educator, and aspiring author. For her own professional growth and development, she is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Childhood Education at City College with a current GPA of 3.5, and an anticipated date of conferral of January 2024.

For the past four years, Nyrobi has been employed with the New York City Department of Education as a third-grade math and science teacher. She quotes, “The most satisfying part of my job is seeing
my students succeed in their academics and knowing that I had the opportunity to be a part of it.”

Nyrobi’s passion for teaching highly contributes to her interest in assisting the community and being empathetic to those in need. In 2022, in addition to teaching and attending school, she took
the initiative to join G.R.A.C.E. (Granting Resources And Community Enrichment) Inc. in their efforts to support the Harlem and Bronx communities. Nyrobi continues to act as Secretary of the

Her strong organizational skills contribute to her ability to maintain the organization’s official records and the minutes of monthly board meetings. Her ability to plan, facilitate, and communicate with others has allowed her to effectively correspond with her fellow board
members as it relates to upcoming events and meetings. Nyrobi’s commitment to success is evident in her relationships with her students and her push to continue to support an organization
in which she helps to govern.